Somehow I've managed to get myself to Portland, OR for at least a long weekend the past two Springtimes. Unfortunately this year it doesn't look like I will make it. I'm especially sorry to break tradition in light of last weekend's plethora of eye candy at the NAHMBS. If you don't already know, this spectacular is The place to go to see what custom frame builders are dreaming up across the country. And this of course, gives us a clue as to what we will see in high end bicycle culture in the near future. There were tons of city bikes, touring bikes, wooden accents, new applications of carbon & titanium, and details, details, details. There are infinite photos of all the craziness out there on the internet but I would recommend wandering over to Cycling News for a particularly expansive selection. My favorites are definitely the stuff from Vanilla Cycles and Pereira Cycles, both of the PDX vicinity. Classy:
Photo ©: James Huang/
Photo ©: James Huang/
Portland has more than its share of framebuilders, spurred by the enthusiasm and passion of the city's droves of cyclists, which makes it an ideal location for such a show. Count me jealous.
Addendum: I realize I failed to mention the respectable showing of Philadelphia's own Bilenky Cycles at the NAHBS, as I assumed it was common knowledge around this little blog that Bilenky is and always will be First on our list.